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- The Unseen Battle of the Brains: Winning in a Left-Dominated World
The Unseen Battle of the Brains: Winning in a Left-Dominated World
Tactical Insights for Enhancing Creativity and Strategic Thinking in Business

Welcome to the 19th Edition of Airplane Mode - you made it, and I thank you! As much as this is a journey into different topics, it’s also a journey into my mind, emotions, and personality - and that’s kind of strange. We are on the same wire so to speak, and so it’s also a journey into your own! Whether you be in Portugal, London, Texas, Florida, New York, Ohio, or Greenville, we are all connected and woven in the same tapestry of the internet and our various social networks. Edward Metcalfe said that a network’s value is proportional to the square of the amount of nodes (sidebar: this is why technology businesses are naturally monopolistic - there are network effects at scale). All of this to say, I feel a kinship with you internet travelers, so thank you! We are nodes, traveling some of the same roads, but very different lives and journeys.

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Two Monarchs of The Mind: Balancing Logic and Imagination
You may have noticed a narrowing. A narrowing of perception, a narrowing of true creativity, a certain dry taste in the mouth over the last 20-25 years. You may not have placed it, and it’s really just coming into the perception of even the most scholarly. Not so much as it’s coming into their perception, but rather that they can articulate such a phenomenon. It’s my personal opinion that right now, in the year 2023, we have either already entered, or are entering a paradigm shift. A shift of sensory reality, a shift into creativity, a shift into men and women reassuming their true purpose in this world and stepping into something a bit more tasteful. I apologize for being so esoteric, the conceptualization of my entire being would take quite a few pages, but I wanted you to have some idea as to where I’m coming from with the hemispheric work. It’s not woo-woo, it’s very much once again the cutting edge of neuroscience and psychology - and I am grateful to have run across this level of research.
I could ramble on for another five paragraphs, wax philosophical, and leave everyone none-the-wiser for it. That’s not why you’re here. If you’re here, I want you to leave with something tangible - so please bear with me. This is going to change you forever if applied. Some of the most successful, sharpest, intelligent people on earth are able to synchronize both hemispheres and naturally reside in that state. This seems a little complex but when you’re done reading this article you’ll likely think “it can’t be that simple - what, no pills from the doctor?” But remember what DaVinci said “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”.
Let’s start with the most simple concept, the brain. The brain has two hemispheres, left and right, and quite simply, via our technological advance and the user interfaces of the devices we have grown accustomed to, we have completely shifted the dominant hemisphere of our brains. We are now largely a left brain society. Let me break down what that looks like and you can keep score (not individual score, societal):
Less Meaning - Life feels empty and mechanical.
More Anxiety - With less right brain emotional processing, anxiety disorders and depression may increase.
Less Empathy - The left brain struggles with emotional intelligence. Communication, relationships and society itself grow cold.
More Conformity - Individual expression wanes as right brain uniqueness gets overridden by left brain standardization. Hello media, Hollywood, music. This goes for all political and ideological spectrums. If you’re not in line, you’re out.
You will likely think I’m being presumptuous, but I believe we can for the most part agree that society has seen a marked change in those four characteristics. Individually, a lot of us have avoided these things (at least over time), but society has suffered tremendously. Now, if you will, allow me to provide the meat and potatoes on how we got here and why technology pushes us toward left brain dominance.
Analytical Focus - Digital tools and A.I. are optimized for logical, rational processing. Using them extensively trains the brain to operate in this mode.
Quantification Culture - Technology enables the tracking and analysis of vast amounts of data. This satisfies the left brain's affinity for measurement and patterns.
Rapid Task-Switching - Flipping between apps and browser tabs activates left-dominant functions like categorization and sequencing.
Immersive Interfaces - Screens consume attention with constant stimuli, many of which cater to the left hemisphere's preference for texts, lists, analytics.
Automating Creativity - Apps now help generate ideas, write content and make art. This shifts creative acts from the right hemisphere to templatized left brain processes.
Less Human Connection - Online communication lacks the empathic and emotional exchange that engages the social right brain. This side is further marginalized.
What does all of this mean? It means we’ve outsourced our right brains normal activities to technology and lost our handle on a holistic and natural brain function at scale on a societal level. Yes, that’s bad. Very bad. Further, without going too deeply into the weeds - it’s also much worse that this was known, exploited, and weaponized against us. That’s another article for another edition..
Here’s the good news - it’s relatively easy to combat on a personal level. Weaponized with this knowledge, we can not only help ourselves, but more importantly the youth of this generation and the one thereafter. When synchronizing hemispheres, we can expect to:
Boost Creativity - Activities like painting, improvising music, even doodling can unlock entirely new ideas and innovations.
Enhance Meaning - Right brain processing better sees interconnections, giving more purpose and significance to experiences.
Deepen Empathy - Strengthening emotions and social processing through art and human interactions increases caring.
Expand Individuality - The right's novelty and intuition is a fount of distinct self-expression and identity.
Improve Well-Being - Right brain engagement tamps anxiety and depression by processing feelings in new ways.
Refresh Perspective - Art, imagination and holistic thinking give new angles on old problems, opening possibilities.
Restore Balance - Harmonizing left brain strategies with right brain inspiration maximizes human potential.
Easy to see why we would want to engage the right brain. In a society so exploited and hijacked, those who either keep their hemispheres synced up, or begin the process will easily differentiate themselves and make more money, have better relationships, and enjoy life on a much deeper level. The below is somewhat general, so the concepts will stick, but the method can be applied to each of us with our own hobbies and lifestyles of course. Here’s how you start to attain hemi-sync:
Daily Dual-Tasking:
Instead of juggling multiple tasks, pair a detail-oriented task with a big-picture strategy each day. This could be as simple as planning your day (left-brain) while appreciating the broader impacts of your actions on your personal growth (right-brain).
Creative Breaks:
In between logical tasks like budgeting or scheduling, take a creative break. Sketch, doodle, or write a poem—even if it's just for five minutes—to engage the right hemisphere and bring a sense of balance to your cognitive routine.
Mindful Communication:
When conversing, practice active listening (right-brain) while also paying attention to the specific words and details (left-brain). This can lead to more fulfilling and comprehensive interactions both at work and in personal relationships.
Physical Exercise with a Twist:
Combine left-brain exercises like weightlifting, where you count reps and sets, with a right-brain activity like basketball or stretching, where flow and movement take precedence over counting.
None of the above is meant to be comprehensive, just provide the backing and the concept to hopefully outline a large problem in society. There is quite a bit of work on this subject, but I am admittedly partial to Dr. Iain McGilchrist, a psychiatrist and writer. I will include a link or two below if you’d like to get a start on synchronizing. Both videos are under five minutes.
Thinking: A Parable of Perfection
Tucked away between two towering mountains, there was a village home to Logicus and Creativus, the twin brothers, both brilliant, but one of them destined to be king. Logicus had a knack for spotting patterns and crafting plans. He created maps that guided the villagers to secret spots and safe paths. Creativus had a gift for weaving tales and singing songs that could make the stars shine a bit brighter in the night sky.
Life in the village was a blend of Logicus’s clear-cut maps and the tales and tunes of Creativus. The maps kept everyone on the right track, and the stories and songs kept their spirits high.
One day, massive storm rolled in, darkening the sky and threatening to sweep the village away. Logicus jumped into action, laying out plans to strengthen their homes and stockpile supplies. At the same time, Creativus rallied their spirits with inspiring stories about their ancestors' courage, which brought the village together like they had never experienced.
With Logicus’s strategies and Creativus’s inspiring words, the village withstood the storm's rage. When the tempest died down, the twins realized that their unique abilities were even stronger together. They decided to co-rule, combining Logicus’s thoughtful planning with Creativus’s big, bold ideas and vision. They showed the whole village that both logic and creativity are necessary to overcome life’s challenges.
The twin elders Logicus and Creativus discovered that together, they were far more than ruling kings. They were visionary leaders, inspiring their village with both keen strategy and soaring hopes.
Logicus brought the gift of reasoned plans, steering the people through challenge after challenge. Creativus awakened bold dreams, helping hearts stay true when spirits were checked. In times of trial, the brothers learned their wisest course was welding thoughtful action to imagination. The village was never the same.

Stay inside your circle of competence. Don’t be afraid to branch out, but don’t bet the farm on it until your competent enough to not regret losing the whole farm due to ignorance. Chance is one thing - ignorance is another.
Check out this Farnam Street post 👇
Ace is one of the few remaining men with a study. What happens in there? Cigars and the finest literature from across all of civilization. What is he doing? Plotting to become Harvard’s new President.

"...it is better to offer no excuse than a bad one."
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