Forget Motivation – THIS is How Winners Get It Done

Ex-procrastinator spills the real secrets to unstoppable productivity

Lockheed Electra L10 soaring through the sky abve the clouds. Airplane Mode Newsletter cover.

Ever find yourself scrolling through your inbox, thinking "just five more minutes..." Then an hour's gone, and that important task STILL isn't done? That's not just laziness; it's a battle raging in your brain. And procrastination's winning. But what if those wasted hours weren't just lost time? What if they were sabotaging your motivation, derailing your long-term goals? Turns out, the science backs this up. This week, we're ditching procrastination excuses and diving into the neuroscience of getting things DONE. Unlock the power of dopamine, outsmart those mental traps, and finally make progress you can be proud of.

Welcome to the 38th Edition of Airplane Mode! Less Noise, More Signal.

(5 Minute Read)

Procrastination's a Lie: Unlock the 'Tomorrow You' Today

Ever feel like you're in a constant battle with that nagging voice telling you to do something later? Procrastination isn't just laziness; it's your brain chemistry at work. Let's break down what's really happening and give you some tools to fight back. This has helped me more than any motivational book, speech, etc.

The Dopamine Dip

Procrastination thrives on discomfort. Your brain sees a challenging task and predicts pain. To avoid that feeling, it seeks out something easier for a quick dopamine hit (hello, scrolling social media). Problem is, the longer you put things off, the deeper that 'pain trough' gets, making starting even harder.

Storytime: The Sprint

Remember that intense deadline scramble high-level operators know all too well? That's your brain finally releasing enough panic-fueled adrenaline to override the pain trough. It works, but it's messy and unsustainable. Let's be smarter than that.

In my research for this weeks edition I learned that this resistance is called limbic friction… and it’s constant. 24/7. The obstacle is the way!

Science-Backed Strategies

  1. Shrink the Task: Procrastination loves big, vague goals. Break them down to the smallest possible next action: Not "write the report," but "write a one-paragraph outline."

  2. 5-Minute Trick: Commit to just starting for 5 minutes. Often, that's enough to build momentum and make the pain trough seem less daunting. Think sex, you don’t slow down at the end…. When you have a task, just get started and build momentum until it’s done and it will feel good.

  3. Reward, the Right Way: Don't indulge in procrastination rewards before the work. Instead, schedule a true reward (not endless scrolling) for AFTER you make significant progress.

The Deep Work Edge

The less you procrastinate, the easier it gets to focus with intention. Those extended periods of deep work, without the distraction hangover, are where the true outsized gains happen – for your business, your family, and your mind.

Challenge: What's ONE nagging task you've been avoiding? Apply the tips above and see if you can break the procrastination cycle. It’s science, it’s not speculation.

Dig Deeper If this topic sparked your interest, I highly recommend the Huberman Lab clip on procrastination. Embedded below (7 Minutes).

Forget the motivational BS. This week, we're taking what's ours, one task at a time.

P.S. How do you combat procrastination? I need to know because I see the subscriber list and you guys are a bunch of heavy hitters! Hit reply and let me know your secret weapons!

Iceberg Theory of Success: The Unseen Grind Behind the "Overnight" Sensation

Tired of those "crush it" gurus selling the dream of easy millions? Yeah, me too.

Let's expose the lie.

Take Gary Vee. Love him or hate him, dude didn't get there by accident. Forget the polished keynotes. Check out his Wine Library TV days [2 Minute Watch]:

Raw, unfiltered, working till he drops. Dude put in YEARS before anyone gave a damn.

Talent? Sure, helps. But the real difference between the Garys and the nobodies? He did the damn work. Failed, hustled, kept going. THAT's the unseen iceberg below those yacht pics.

Want results? Get ready to grind.

Gary Vaynerchuk with a giant receipt showing line items as a message to stop buying dumb stuff.

Smart Structuring: The Tax Implications of Your Exit:

Gifting Equity for Tax Savings: A Proven Strategy

Private company founders/owners often seek strategies to reduce their tax burden upon a sale. One powerful option is gifting equity interests to descendants well in advance of the sale. Why it works:

  • IRS Discounts: Minority stakes in private companies receive substantial valuation discounts, reducing the tax bill.

  • Future Appreciation: Gifting early allows those shares to grow in value over time, decreasing the seller's eventual taxable gain.

Important Notes:

  • Expert tax advice and long-range planning (ideally 5+ years pre-sale) are essential for maximizing benefits.

  • This strategy has proven successful in numerous transactions. For a deeper dive, consult the Alderman Deal Notes from Alderman & Co:


“Underestimate the guy with the dusty books. That's their first mistake."

"There never was a good war or a bad peace."

― Benjamin Franklin

Thank you for reading Airplane Mode! Please reply with your biggest hacks on procrastination! Would love to hear from you. Or don’t!

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